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Home > PRODUCTS > Gas Control > Cell Hypoxic and Hyperoxic Experiments

Live-Cell Incubation System for Microscopes

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Live-Cell Incubation System for Microscopes can be adapted to Time-lapse Microscopy to observe any microscopic object over time efficiently. Its... View details >
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Product Description

Live-Cell Incubation System can be adapted to Time-lapse Microscopy to observe any microscopic objects over time efficiently. Its main use is within cell biology to observe artificially cultured cells. Depending on the type of experiments, different cellular environmental conditions can be simulated using our system too achieve specific temperature, oxygen and carbon dioxide concentration. The observatory incubator can be integrated into a conventional microscopes, inverted microscopes, and also other live-cell time-lapse microscopy system. We also provide various sizes and types of well plates,petri dishes, and slides. 

Product Features

· Controllable Parameters: Temperature, Humidity (Humidification),Concentration of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide 

· Oxygen Concentration Controllable Range: 0.1% - 25.0% 

    Adjustment Accuracy: 0.2%

    Optional Range: 0.0% - 100.0%

· Temperature Controllable Range: 30 - 40℃ 

    Accuracy: 0.1℃ 

    Optional: Low Temperature Control

· Carbon Dioxide Concentration Controllable Range: 0.1% - 20.0% 

    Adjustment Accuracy: 0.2%



· The system is combined with Time-lapse Microscopy to observe any microscopic object over time efficiently. Its main use is within cell biology to observe artificially cultured cells. Depending on the type of experiments, different cellular environmental conditions can be simulated using our system too achieve specific temperature, oxygen and carbon dioxide concentration. 



Product Name



Live-Cell Incubation System


Controlling Temperature

Live-Cell Incubation System


Controlling Temperature, Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide Concentration